- How to update plugin manually through FTP
- How to update UABB?
- How to register your license?
- About Beta Versions
- Will I lose all my design work when I download and re-install the plugin?
- Getting Started with the Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder
- How can I install the Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder?
- Automatic Beta Updates
- How to check expiration date of license?
- How to enable / disable Beaver Builder's UI?
- UABB Global Settings
- How to White Label UABB?
- How to enable / disable Live Preview feature?
- How to Hide Templates from your Clients?
- How can I use other modules in Modal Popup / Advanced Accordion / Advanced Tab?
- How to enable / disable modules in UABB to reduce server requests?
- Section and Page Templates don’t look the same when I am using them. Why?
- How can I Begin Building a Page using UABB?
- Introducing Table Module
- How To Add Rows And Columns to the Table?
- How to add Table Header?
- How to add Table Content?
- How to add Sortable and Searchable Table? How to Show Entries Dropdown?
- How to Merge Columns and Rows in Table?
- How to Style the Table?
- How to Override Global Settings for Image / Icon?
- Create Table by Uploading CSV
- Video Gallery Module
- How to Set Categories for Videos?
- How to Design Filterable Video Gallery?
- How to Display Specific Video Category Tab as a Default on Page Load?
- How to Set a Custom Placeholder Image for the Video?
- How to Set Overlay Color on the Video Thumbnail on Mouse Hover?
- How to Show Video Caption on Hover?
- How to Show Video Category on Hover?
- Open a Specific Filterable Tab from URL
- Equal height option of Advanced Post module isn't working properly?
- How to Exclude your Current Post from Advanced Post module?
- How to Enable Taxonomy Filters in Advanced Posts?
- How to filter Query Parameters in Advanced Posts?
- How to enable Pagination for Advanced Posts module
- UABB Advanced Posts Custom Posts Layout shortcodes and usage?
- Advanced Posts Pagination not visible?
- Regenerate Thumbnails
- Open a Specific Filterable Tab from URL for Advanced Post
- Building Site-wide Modal Popups in Beaver Builder & UABB
- How can I use the Modal Popup module effectively?
- Is it Possible to Close a Modal Popup on a Button Click or Text?
- How to open a modal popup from another module?
- How to trigger a Modal Popup on the click of a Menu Element?
- How to trigger a Modal Popup on the click of an Interactive Banner 2 and from a text of any module’s text editor?
- Woo – Products Module
- How to set Grid and Carousel layout for WooCommerce products?
- How to display exact WooCommerce product with Query Builder?
- How to Set Featured Products in WooCommerce?
- How to Enable Quick View for WooCommerce Products?
- How to Exclude WooCommerce Products with Woo-Products Module?
- Filters/Actions for WooCommerce Products
- Business Reviews module
- How to get Yelp API key?
- How to find Yelp Business ID?
- How to find Google Place ID?
- How does the Refresh Reviews option function in the Business Reviews module?
- Unable to display more than 5 Google reviews/3 Yelp Reviews?
- How many numbers of reviews can be shown for Google and Yelp?
- How to get Google Places API key?
- Introducing User Registration Form Module!
- How to Create a User Registration Form using Beaver Builder?
- How to Create a User Registration Form with Only Email Field in Beaver Builder?
- Frequently Asked Questions about User Registration Forms
- Honeypot field in User Registration Form for Beaver Builder
- Google reCAPTCHA v2 and v3 in Contact Form and User Registration Form for Beaver Builder
- Troubleshooting Tips for Ultimate Addon’s Font Icons
- White Screen / Blank Screen / 500 Error After Installation
- Fatal error: Call to undefined function array_replace_recursive()
- How to Increase the Memory Limit of your site?
- Fatal error: Class 'FLBuilderAdminSettings' not found
- Failed to download template from Template Cloud
- Haven't received update notification yet?
- cURL error 51: SSL: No alternative certificate subject name matches target host name
- DIY Troubleshooting
The UABB Filter Reference
Have you ever thought of customizing the Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder?
We are here to help. We’ve added a few filters that will make customization easier and faster. Don’t see a filter you’ve thought of? Let us know. We’ll add that too!
You need to put the below code snippet in the functions.php file of your theme/child theme.
Module: Contact Form
Filter: uabb_from_email
Description: This filter is built to control the “from” email address of the form submission email.
// Controls the from email address of form submission email function function_name( $from_email ) { $from_email = "[email protected]"; // Change this email address. return $from_email; } add_filter( 'uabb_from_email', 'function_name' );
Filter: uabb_from_name
Description: This filter is built to control the “from” name of the form submission.
// Controls the from name of form submission email function function_name( $from_name ) { $from_name = "WordPress"; // Change this name. return $from_name; } add_filter( 'uabb_from_name', 'function_name' );
Filter: uabb_contact_form_update_error_message
Description: This filter is built to update the contact form error message.
// Updates the contact form error message function function_name( $string ) { $string = 'Your Error message'; return $string; } add_filter( 'uabb_contact_form_error_message', 'function_name' );
Module: Advanced Post
Filter: uabb_blog_posts_featured_image_sizes
Description: This filter can be used to control the featured image sizes. One can add his own registered size for featured images.
// Controls the featured image sizes function abc($size_arr) { $size_arr = array( 'full' => __( 'Full', 'uabb' ), 'large' => __( 'Large', 'uabb' ), 'medium' => __( 'Medium', 'uabb' ), 'thumbnail' => __( 'Thumbnail', 'uabb' ), 'custom' => __( 'Custom', 'uabb' ), 'my_custom_image_size' => __( 'My Custom Image Size', 'uabb' ), ); // Add your own size to this array. return $size_arr; } add_filter( 'uabb_blog_posts_featured_image_sizes', 'abc' ); add_image_size( 'my_custom_image_size', 300, 300 );
Filter: uabb_blog_posts_excerpt
Description: This filter helps manipulating the content from the Advanced post module. This will be helpful when one wants to trim content or add extra content.
// Controls content/excerpt of the blog post function abc($content) { $content = ''; //Do any operation with the content string (say trim the string or add any extra content etc.) return $content; } add_filter( 'uabb_blog_posts_excerpt', 'abc' );
Filter: uabb_blog_posts_link
Description: This filter can be used to change the post URL to a common one.
// Lets you change the post URL to a common one add_filter( 'uabb_blog_posts_link', 'my_function', 10, 2 ); function my_function( $url, $id ) { return 'your url'; }
Filter: uabb_advanced_post_title_link
Description: This filter can be used to control the post URL link. This will be helpful when one wants to remove posts links from advanced post or to modify link html.
// Lets you remove the post anchor and display only title function my_function( $link_html, $title, $link ) { return $title; } add_filter( 'uabb_advanced_post_title_link', 'my_function', 10, 3 );
Filter: uabb_blog_posts_query_args
Description: This filter helps to modify WP_Query arguments.
// Helps to modify WP_Query arguments function your_function_name_goes_here( $args ) { $args = ''; //Do any modifications to modify the args. You can add your own filtered query return $args; } add_filter( 'uabb_blog_posts_query_args', 'your_function_name_goes_here' );
Module: Photo Gallery
Filter: uabb_photo_gallery_image_sizes
Description: This filter can be used to control the image sizes in the Photo Gallery module. One can add his own registered size for these images.
// Controls the photo gallery image sizes function abc($size_arr) { $size_arr = array( 'full' => __( 'Full', 'uabb' ), 'large' => __( 'Large', 'uabb' ), 'medium' => __( 'Medium', 'uabb' ), 'thumbnail' => __( 'Thumbnail', 'uabb' ), 'custom' => __( 'Custom', 'uabb' ), 'my_custom_image_size' => __( 'My Custom Image Size', 'uabb' ), ); // Add your own size to this array. return $size_arr; } add_filter( 'uabb_photo_gallery_image_sizes', 'abc' ); add_image_size( 'my_custom_image_size', 300, 300 );
Filter: uabb_photo_gallery_tabs
Description: This filter can be used to modify Filterable Tabs.
Note: $cat_filter – The array of image categories to display in Filterable Tabs.
// Modify filterable tabs add_filter( 'uabb_photo_gallery_tabs', function( $cat_filter ) { $cat_filter['old_category'] = 'New Category'; return $cat_filter ; }, 10, 2 );
Module: Row Separator
Filter: uabb_row_separator_top_options
Description: This filter can be used to control the top row separator shapes. One can add his own top row separator shape. You can determine the shape in the filter mentioned below. This filter has to go along with the one for SVG shapes and they both need to have the same shape name to see the desired result
// add options to top row separator add_filter ( 'uabb_row_separator_top_options', 'new_top_options', 10, 1 ); function new_top_options( $arr ) { $arr[ 'triangle_custom' ] = 'Triangle Custom'; return $arr; }
Filter: uabb_row_separator_svg_triangle_custom
Description: This filter will add a new SVG shape
/// Modify the SVG html add_filter( 'uabb_row_separator_svg_triangle_custom', 'criticalink_row_svg', 10, 2 ); function criticalink_row_svg( $svg_html, $row ) { return 'write your svg here'; }
Filter: uabb_row_separator_bot_options
Description: This filter can be used to control the bottom row separator shapes. One can add his own bottom row separator shape. You can determine the shape in the filter mentioned below. This filter has to go along with the one for SVG shapes and they both need to have the same shape name to see the desired result
// add options to bottom row separator add_filter ( 'uabb_row_separator_bot_options', 'new_bot_options', 10, 1 ); function new_bot_options( $arr ) { $arr[ 'split_custom' ] = 'Split Custom'; return $arr; }
Filter: uabb_row_separator_svg_split_custom
Description: This filter will add a new SVG shape
/// Modify the SVG html add_filter( 'uabb_row_bot_separator_svg_split_custom', 'criticalink_row_svg', 10, 2 ); function criticalink_row_svg( $svg_html, $row ) { return 'write your svg here'; }
Filter: enable_uabb_modules_backend
Description: This filter will render UABB Modules in the Dashboard
/// Render UABB Modules in the WordPress Backend add_filter( 'enable_uabb_modules_backend', 'enable_modules_backend_wp' ); function enable_modules_backend_wp( $val ) { return $val = true; }
Module: Image Carousel
Filter: uabb_image_carousel_sizes
Description: This filter can be used to control the image sizes in the Image Carousle module. One can add his own registered size for these images.
/// Add custom Image Sizes for Image Carousel function abc($size_arr) { $size_arr = array( 'full' => __( 'Full', 'uabb' ), 'large' => __( 'Large', 'uabb' ), 'medium' => __( 'Medium', 'uabb' ), 'thumbnail' => __( 'Thumbnail', 'uabb' ), 'my_custom_image_size' => __( 'My Custom Image Size', 'uabb' ), ); return $size_arr; } add_filter( 'uabb_image_carousel_sizes', 'abc' ); add_image_size( 'my_custom_image_size', 300, 300 );
Module: Woo Products
Filter: uabb_woo_out_of_stock_string
Description: This filter will replace the “OUT OF STOCK” text of products from UABB woo-products grid or carousel.
// Changes the "OUT OF STOCK" message from Woo-Products module to your desired string. add_filter( 'uabb_woo_out_of_stock_string', 'change_out_of_stock_string' ); function change_out_of_stock_string ($default) { //Return new string return 'Coming Soon'; }
Module: Testimonials
Filter: uabb_testimonial_rating_icon
Description: This filter will help you to replace the rating icon in Testimonial module. Please make sure you have chosen two different icons to style.
The first icon will replace the filled star rating icon. To replace this icon you need a Unicode of the font-awesome icon.
To explore the font-awesome icons. Please visit the font-awesome icon gallery.
// You can change the rating icon in the UABB Testimonial module. add_filter( 'uabb_testimonial_rating_icon', 'change_testimonial_rating_icon' ); function change_testimonial_rating_icon ($default) { // Icon unicode for rating filled star icon echo '<style> .uabb-testimonial .uabb-rating__input.uabb-checked ~ .uabb-rating__ico:before { content: "\f293"; } </style>'; // Class name for empty star icon. return 'fa-bluetooth-b'; }
Filter: uabb_testimonials_next_arrow_icon & uabb_testimonials_previous_arrow_icon
Description: This filter is to change the previous and next carousel arrows with any arrow icon.
add_filter( ' uabb_testimonials_next_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_next_icon' );
function uabb_next_icon() {
return 'icon class';
add_filter( ' uabb_testimonials_previous_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_previous_icon' );
function uabb_previous_icon() {
return 'icon class';
Module: Business Reviews
Filter: add_filter( ‘uabb_reviews_google_url_filter’, ‘uabb_url_fun’ );
Description: Added a Filter to display reviews in a language other than English
add_filter( 'uabb_reviews_google_url_filter', 'uabb_url_fun' ); function uabb_url_fun() { $add_query_filter = array( 'key' => 'AIzaSyDhIYunhIVTIBIYSWfrMAsCoDmhJNB4JNc', 'placeid' => 'ChIJ345NFGXAwjsRS8VmWAm4Azc', 'language' => 'mr', ); return $add_query_filter; }
Filter: add_filter( ‘uabb_reviews_date_format_filter’, ‘uabb_date_format’ );
Description: Added a filter to change the review date format.
add_filter( 'uabb_reviews_date_format_filter', 'uabb_date_format' ); function uabb_date_format() { $date_format = d-m-y; ); return $date_format; }
Module: Image-carousel
Filter: uabb_image_carousel_next_arrow_icon & uabb_image_previous_next_arrow_icon
Description: This filter is to change the previous and next carousel arrows with any arrow icon.
add_filter( ' uabb_image_carousel_next_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_next_icon' ); function uabb_next_icon() { return 'icon class'; } add_filter( ' uabb_image_carousel_previous_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_previous_icon' ); function uabb_previous_icon() { return 'icon class'; }
Module: Video-Gallery
Filter: uabb_video_gallery_carousel_next_arrow_icon & uabb_video_gallery_carousel_previous_arrow_icon
Description: This filter is to change the previous and next carousel arrows with any arrow icon.
add_filter( ' uabb_video_gallery_carousel_next_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_next_icon' ); function uabb_next_icon() { return 'icon class'; } add_filter( ' uabb_video_gallery_carousel_previous_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_previous_icon' ); function uabb_previous_icon() { return 'icon class'; }
Module: Woo-Products
Filter: uabb_woo_products_next_arrow_icon & uabb_woo_products_previous_arrow_icon
Description: This filter is to change the previous and next carousel arrows with any arrow icon.
add_filter( ' uabb_woo_products_next_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_next_icon' ); function uabb_next_icon() { return 'icon class'; } add_filter( ' uabb_woo_products_previous_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_previous_icon' ); function uabb_previous_icon() { return 'icon class'; }
Module: Woo-Categories
Filter: uabb_woo_categories_next_arrow_icon & uabb_woo_categories_previous_arrow_icon
Description: This filter is to change the previous and next carousel arrows with any arrow icon.
add_filter( ' uabb_woo_categories_next_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_next_icon' ); function uabb_next_icon() { return 'icon class'; } add_filter( ' uabb_woo_categories_previous_arrow_icon ', 'uabb_previous_icon' ); function uabb_previous_icon() { return 'icon class'; }
Module: FAQ
Filter: uabb_faq_schema_force_render
Description: This filter is used to force render the schema markup in some cases.
add_filter( 'uabb_faq_schema_force_render', 'force_render' ); function force_render() { return true; }
Module: Social Share
Filter: uabb_social_share_pinterest_img_size
Description: This filter is used to change the image size for Pinterest Social Share Type.
add_filter( 'uabb_social_share_pinterest_img_size', 'change_img_size' ); function change_img_size() { return 'full'; // Change image size here }
We’ll keep updating this page. Keep coming back for more. 🙂
We don't respond to the article feedback, we use it to improve our support content.