
Translating UABB using Loco Translate

Loco Translate is a great WordPress plugin that makes translating any WordPress plugin or theme very easy by allowing you to edit translations in your WordPress dashboard.

Step 1: After you have installed and activated Loco Translate on your site, Go to Loco translate -> Plugins and select Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder

Step 2: Click ‘New Language’ to select your language

Click New Language to select your language
Click New Language to select your language

Step 3: Select your language in WordPress Language dropdown, Select system directory to store the translation files. The files stored in the system directory are not lost after plugin updates.

Options to be selected in loco translate
Options to be selected in loco translate

Step 4: Now click on any string you want to translate to your language, Add your translation in the text field. When you are done with adding your translations, just click save.

Add translations and save them.
Add translations and save them

Note –

  • Make sure you have changed your WordPress language to the language you want to use.

Also worth Checking –

  1. Translate UABB using Poedit.
  2. Translating UABB using Glotpress – The official method
  3. Basics of Glotpress
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