
The UABB Action Reference

Have you ever wanted a module to act like you want it to?

We are here to help. We’ll be adding a few actions that will make customization easier and faster. Don’t see an action you’ve thought of? Let us know. We’ll add that too!

Module: Advanced Post

Action: uabb_blog_posts_before_post
Description: This action gets executed at the starting of each post div. Parameters to this are current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action before starting of each post div.
function abc( $post_id, $settings ) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action before starting of each post div.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_before_post', 'abc', 10, 2 );

Action: uabb_blog_posts_after_post
Description: This action gets executed at the end of each post div. Parameters to this are current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action after the end of each post div.
function abc($post_id, $settings ) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action after the end of each post div.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_after_post', 'abc', 10, 2 );

Action: uabb_blog_posts_before_title
Description: This action gets executed before the post title is shown. Parameters to this are current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action before the post title.
function abc($post_id, $settings) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action before the post title.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_before_title', 'abc', 10, 2);

Action: uabb_blog_posts_after_title
Description: This action gets executed after the post title is shown. Parameters to this are current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action after the end of each post title.
function abc($post_id, $settings) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action after the post title.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_after_title', 'abc', 10, 2 );

Action: uabb_blog_posts_before_meta
Description: This action gets executed before the post meta is shown. Parameter to this is current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action before the post meta.
function abc($post_id, $settings) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action before the post meta.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_before_meta', 'abc', 10, 2 );

Action: uabb_blog_posts_after_meta
Description: This action gets executed after the post meta is shown. Parameters to this are current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action after the post meta.
function abc($post_id, $settings) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action after the post meta.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_after_meta', 'abc', 10, 2 );

Action: uabb_blog_posts_before_content
Description: This action gets executed before the post content is shown. Parameters to this are current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action before the post content.
function abc($post_id, $settings) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action before the post content.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_before_content', 'abc', 10, 2 );

Action: uabb_blog_posts_after_content
Description: This action gets executed after the post content is shown. Parameters to this are current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action after the post content.
function abc($post_id, $settings) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action after the post content.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_after_content', 'abc', 10, 2 );

Action: uabb_blog_posts_before_image
Description: This action gets executed at the starting of each post featured image. Parameters to this are current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action before starting of each post featured image.
function abc( $post_id, $settings ) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action before starting of each post featured image.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_before_image', 'abc',  10, 2 );

Action: uabb_blog_posts_after_image
Description: This action gets executed after the each post featured image. Parameters to this are current post_id and settings object. This is helpful when one needs extra actions on individual posts.

// Helps one perform any action after the post featured image.
function abc( $post_id, $settings ) {
    //Do any operation with the $post_id. Helps one perform any action after the each post featured image.
    echo 'some text';
add_action( 'uabb_blog_posts_after_image', 'abc', 10, 2 );

Module: Advanced Menu

Action: uabb_advanced_menu_before
Description: This action is built to add some HTML code before the menu.

// This function adds Buy Now Button Before the Menu
function function_name() {
    echo "<li><button> Buy Now </button></li>"; // Change this html.
add_action( 'uabb_advanced_menu_before', 'function_name' );

Action: uabb_advanced_menu_after
Description: This action is built to add some HTML code after the menu.

// This function adds Buy Now Button After the Menu
function function_name() {
    echo "<li><button> Buy Now </button></li>"; // Change this html.

add_action( 'uabb_advanced_menu_after', 'function_name' );

Module: Price Box

Action: uabb_price_box_button
Description: This action is built to add custom HTML code in place of price box button. This is helpful when one needs to add custom button code. Parameter to this is $box_id which is column number and index starts from 0.

// This function add custom button in price box column
function function_name( $box_id ) {

	if( $box_id == 0 ) {
		echo '<button type="button">Get Started</button>';
add_action( 'uabb_price_box_button', 'function_name', 10, 1);

Need more actions? We’ll keep updating this post. 🙂

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