
Video Module

Video module uses an innovative optimization technique. It provides a smart way for embedding YouTube, Vimeo videos to your page without sacrificing page speed.
Following key features makes the module unique –

  • Loading Time Optimization – Module embeds the thumbnail image of the YouTube/ Vimeo video instead of the actual video.
  • Custom Thumbnail Image – Set a nice thumbnail image for video with overlay color.
  • Play Button Customizations ( Supports Image, Icon ) – Set icon or image as a play button with hover animations.

Here is a comparison between page speed – Embedding video with Traditional way vs Embedding video with Video Module.

The module allows embedding video from YouTube and Vimeo.

Video Options Available with Video Module –

Video Options For YouTube video

  • Autoplay: Video will play automatically on the page load.
  • Suggested Videos:  After the video you’re watching ends, the player window shows a grid of “suggested videos.” These video suggestions are chosen automatically from YouTube’s public video list.
  • Player Control: Choose whether to display controls like play, pause, volume controls, full screen and more.
  • Mute: Allows muting the video.
  • Modest Branding:  Prevent the YouTube logo from displaying in the control bar.
  • Privacy Mode: This prevents YouTube to store the visitor’s information on your website unless they play the video.

Video Options For Vimeo video

  • Autoplay: Video will play automatically on the page load.
  • Loop: Choose a video to play continuously in a loop. The video will automatically start again after reaching the end.
  • Intro Title: Displays title of the video.
  • Intro Portrait: Displays the author’s profile image.
  • Intro Byline: Displays the author’s name of the video.
  • Controls Color: Set color for the video player controls.

Video Options for Wistia Video

  • Link & Thumbnail Text: Unlike the YouTube and Vimeo video type, here you will need to Copy the Link & Thumbnail text from the respective Wistia’s video.
  • Autoplay: Video will play automatically on the page load.
  • Loop: This would let the video to play continuously 
  • Reset: This would get back to the beginning of the video displaying the video and thumbnail, make sure if they are set to display on load.
  • Mute: Mutes the volume of the Video
  • Show Playbar: Displays the progress bar of the video in the bottom Playbar.

 How to Get a Valid Link for Wistia Video

To get the Wistia video’s link you will need to go to your Wistia video, right-click on it and choose the last option of “Copy Link and Thumbnail”. Now copy the same and paste it in this field.

Note: If you change the thumbnail or link from the respective Wistia’s video, make sure you paste the Link & Thumbnail text in this field again here.

Set specific play time for video

The module allows entering –

  • Start and End time for YouTube video
  • Start time for Vimeo video

When a user clicks to play the video, it will start playing from the defined start time and will stop at the defined end time.


1. To embed videos, enter a full link for the video.
For example,

For YouTube video
✔️ Valid link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqz-KE-bpKQ&t=3s
✖️ Invalid link:   https://youtu.be/aqz-KE-bpKQ

For Vimeo video
✔️ Valid Link: https://vimeo.com/274860274
✖️ Invalid Link: https://vimeo.com/channels/staffpicks/274860274

Related Documents:

How to Set Thumbnail Image for Video?
How to Style Play Button?

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