Video Gallery Features
The Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder presents a highly optimized Video Gallery that not only allows you to sort, filter and show videos beautifully, but also makes sure your page loading speed is not affected at all!

Optimized loading
Just like the video module in UABB, the Video gallery too is optimized and does not affect your page load time.

display position
The Video gallery module lets you select how you wish to display or play the videos when clicked on – inline or a lightbox.

UABB allows you to select either the carousel or grid layout to display your videos in the Video gallery module.

Filtering Tabs
Improve user experience by adding filters within the Video gallery widget. Categorize videos and add respective filters.

complete control
The UABB Video gallery module gives you complete control to manage everything like the thumbnail images, captions, controls, etc.

sorting & ordering
The Video gallery module lets you decide the order of the videos you wish to display in a gallery. Just drag and drop.