Why people choose Beaver Builder instead of the competition?

When we recommend Beaver Builder to new users, we’re often asked: Why Beaver Builder Builder? What is so different about it in the crowded Page Builder market?

So we decided to browse a thread David Waumsley had created in the Beaver Builders Facebook group that received over 50 replies instantly. Here are some of the interesting responses we found in that thread –

Stable + Flexible + Developer friendly + No junk attached.
Davinder Singh Kainth

I choose Beaver Builder because of the amount of creativity and controlled it allowed for me to have.
Chanel Renee

You can use it with any theme, it doesn’t leave your site littered in shortcode if you ever change themes, good support, easy for both me AND my clients, which is important to me. I want them to feel like they can update the content on their own sites without constantly needing to contact me.
Jacks McNamara

Fast, no clutter. Plus this Beaver Builder community is powerful…and the addons bring some punch.
Iain MacGillivray

It’s the most intuitive to use. 15 minutes with Beaver Builder got me further along than any of the dozens of other builders I’ve tried.
Grant Spoon

Speed / Clean code. As somebody with experience hand coding a lot of sites, Beaver Builder is the only builder I can work with that is almost seamlessly integrated with whatever I need to hand code.
Bob Campbell

Easy of use, very very helpful and supportive Beaver Builder team.
Paula Fenton

Clean user-interface, clean code, clean user experience. What more is there to say?
Peter Luit

Speed! Flexibility! Stability!
Chantal Marie-Laurence Edouard-Betsy

Easy to use and clients get the hang of it quicker.
Derrick Bailey

Having tried most other page builders I can say with confidence Beaver Builder is the best page builder available today. There are other good options to consider if budget is tight, especially if only need one site. But overall can’t beat Beaver Builder. By far the most well rounded and stable option along with being one of the more intuitive to use. Support from 3rd party developers adds a lot of value.
David Haskell

I think I am like most other people, the Beaver Builder code is so clean and leaves pages clean if the client removes Beaver Builder after we have handed over the site. Another plus, the team keep working on it and there are regular updates to the builder and the theme. Five stars. 🙂
John Brown

So far I’ve found Beaver Builder with Beaver Builder theme to be the easiest, most stable, cleanest combination and my clients love how easy it is to update their content. Oh and the support is ace and the community is super helpful.
Hugues Audouard

Beaver Builder is mostly stable, lightweight and more you can really do a lot with it.
Riitta Korpipää

Because it is so intuitive that it makes it super-fast to put a page and a site together (and it’s actually fun to work with!). It also has the most amazingly helpful community.
Tony Rockliff

No shortcodes to clutter up the site.
Elizabeth Wood

Clean code, and the design and usability of the editor.
Larry Cornett

The first thing that attracted me to the product was the out-of-the-box templates. With just a few clicks, you had an entire page designed. Then, with a little bit drag and drop, you could make your modifications. Once I saw how easy the basics were, I knew I wanted to move forward with the product and learn more. The almost instant satisfaction with minimal effort is a big selling point with any product.
Jim Galiano

I have tried several of the page builders over the past month. Beaver Builder, while having fewer features than some, is more solid, more intuitive and _much_ better organized in the admin console. Some, irritatingly pollute my admin console. Others make it a near impossible maze to link all the different features together. As a software developer I have an eye for quality code. I don’t have to see the code to know that Beaver Builder is going to be better than many others. The care and attention to the presentation tells me there will be a similar care in the code. I also like the page templates. Some others were lacking these or didn’t have a broad selection.
Steve Lautenschlager

I have to say the number one reason I like Beaver Builder, is because it speeds up development time. The second best reason is it makes my clients real excited about maintaining their websites effortlessly.
Geoffrey Gordon

I like the number of options that Beaver Builder offers, I love that they don’t use shortcodes and actually builds the content on the page, the community is top notch, support is super responsive the few times I’ve had to tap that resource, plus all of the elements have a really nice, predictable- easy to locate- naming conventions that make writing custom CSS a more enjoyable experience. That’s just a few, but I’ve found that Beaver Builder just sort of gets out of your way and lets you do your thing.
Jason Usher

I feel very passionate about how great Beaver Builder is. I tried another similar app – it frustrated me so much I’ve blocked it out of my memory – the great thing about Beaver Builder is that it WORKS, you guys keep it updated, & you allow other devs to create great add-ons like UABB… in a nutshell you make creativity possible and unlimited.
Rob Ruthart

Coming from a front-end developer side, I was resistant to even use a page builder. I mean, it’s so easy, why would anyone need me, right? But I love Beaver Builder mainly because it doesn’t hold your content hostage — as in if you stop using it, your content is still readable in WP — no nasty shortcodes left, etc.
Lisa Clyburn Boyd

There are a couple of reasons for me! First its the most user friendly page builder I have seen. Second is the white label option.
Michele Shivers Holley

Beaver Builder is the easiest tool for customization out there with less garbage behind. The combination of the Beaver Builder theme and the plugin gives you a fantastic framework to start any site design you want. From PSD to finished WooCommerce Shop we are always under 40h. Our agency releases about 10 shops a month today with 2,5 full time developers.
Pierre Wiberg

1. Multisite support
2. Multisite support
3. Multisite support.
I cant remember what 4 was.

I think it was Multisite support.
Lee Jackson


Interesting answers, right? Are you already using Beaver Builder and have a reason to choose it instead of the competition? Please let us know in comments!

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