January 18, 2017

Version 1.4.0


  • New: Introduced Before After Slider Module.
  • New: Introduced Countdown Module.
  • New: Introduced Hotspot Module.
  • New: Introduced Image Carousel Module.
  • New: Introduced Social Share Module.
  • New: Global colors fetch from beaver builder & GeneratePress theme ( If UABB Global settings is off ).


  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Added filter for custom image size.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Added link from URL to masonry categories.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Added 8 column support for posts.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Introduced post meta sorting options.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Introduced post layout sorting options.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Organized all module settings.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Added filter to give custom URL for posts.
  • Improvement: Advanced Accordion – Added link from URL to item using module ID and index.
  • Improvement: Advanced Tabs – Added link from URL to item using module ID and index.
  • Improvement: Info Table – CTA target option added.
  • Improvement: Photo Gallery – CTA target option added.
  • Improvement: Photo Gallery – Added filter to image sizes – uabb_photo_gallery_image_sizes.
  • Improvement: Team – CTA target option added.
  • Improvement: Team – Custom link to employee page option added.


  • Fixed: Advanced Accordion – IE issue fixed for js
  • Fixed: Advanced Posts – Carousel scripts issue fixed
  • Fixed: Advanced Posts – Date translation changes
  • Fixed: Advanced Posts – Equal height calculations fired on resize event
  • Fixed: Advanced Posts – Equal height on resize event fix
  • Fixed: Advanced Posts – Image custom sizes persists actual size on Feeds style issue fix
  • Fixed: Advanced Posts – JS issue fixed for Advanced Tabs triggers
  • Fixed: Advanced Posts – Module overriding issue resolved
  • Fixed: Advanced Posts – Post data query fix
  • Fixed: Advanced Posts – Translation strings added for static labels
  • Fixed: Advanced Tabs – Content hover color issue fixed
  • Fixed: Advanced Testimonial – Triggers added for Advanced Tabs and Advanced Accordion.
  • Fixed: Button – Background opacity color not working.
  • Fixed: Contact Form – Email sending failed on global saved row issue fixes.
  • Fixed: Flip Box – IE jerk/visibility issue fixed.
  • Fixed: Fancy Text – Slide up, pause on hover issue fixed.
  • Fixed: Google Map – Console error issue fixed.
  • Fixed: iHover – Fixed edit issue in backend & popup click issue fixes.
  • Fixed: Info Circle – Icon Background Hover color not working fix added.
  • Fixed: Interactive Banner 1 – Image size script added for resize event too.
  • Fixed: Interactive Banner 1 – Fixed Modal Popup trigger issue on mobile devices.
  • Fixed: Image Separator – Fixed horizontal scroll issue.
  • Fixed: Modal Popup – Mozilla not closing issue fixed.
  • Fixed: Photo Gallery – Lightbox js issue fixed.
  • Fixed: Photo Gallery – Lightbox visibility issue when used with Modal Popup.
  • Fixed: Pricing Box – Highlight color issue fixed.
  • Fixed: Row Separator – Color Conflict with third party BB addon fixed.
  • Fixed: Team – Not selected image fix.
  • Fixed: Text Editor – Styling issue fixed.
October 20, 2016

Version 1.3.1


  • New: WP-CLI – Now you can activate/deactivate your license using a WP-CLI command – “wp brainstormforce activate uabb “.


  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Handled canonical redirect case for pagination.


  • Fixed: Template Cloud – Compatibility issue with few hosting servers to download the templates.
  • Fixed: WP-CLI – Plugin activation issue.
October 18, 2016

Version 1.3.0



  • New: Introduced Separate Menu Page for UABB.
  • New: Introduced enable UABB module functionality in UABB itself to improve performance.
  • New: Introduced Template Cloud.
  • New: Introduced Modal Popup module.
  • New: Introduced Photo Gallery module.
  • New: Introduced Ribbon module.




  • Improvement: Dual Button – Added option for space between buttons.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Added styling options for Pagination buttons.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Added styling options for Masonry Filter buttons.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Content formatting restored for excerpt and full content.
  • Improvement: Advanced Posts – Added developer friendly functions.
  • Improvement: Core – Added capability to override UABB modules.
  • Improvement: Dual Color Heading – Added responsive compatibility option.
  • Improvement: Google Map – Added support for multiple addresses.
  • Improvement: Info Box – Added Image / Icon vertical alignment option.
  • Improvement: Modal – Added class ‘uabb-close-modal’ to Close Modal from Content.
  • Improvement: Modal – Added Youtube and Vimeo autoplay option.
  • Improvement: Advanced Tabs – Added option for equal width.
  • Improvement: Button – Added option to apply the hover color to borders for transparent style.
  • Improvement: Contact Form – Added Color Options for Contact Form Validation.
  • Improvement: Contact Form – Added Email Template, New options for success and error messages.
  • Improvement: Contact Form – New options Background, Spacing and Radius.
  • Improvement: Flip Box – Added custom height option for medium and small devices.
  • Improvement: Image Separator – Added image size option for medium and small devices.
  • Improvement: Info Box – Added option for content padding if background / border is enabled.
  • Improvement: Interactive Banner 1 – You can link the complete module now.
  • Improvement: Interactive Banner 2 – Image overlay color option added.
  • Improvement: Price Box – Added support for custom HTML tags.



  • Fixed: Advanced Post: Fixed issue with custom size image.
  • Fixed: Advanced Accordion – Container size issue.
  • Fixed: Advanced Tab – Double border in responsive view.
  • Fixed: Advanced Tab – Container size issue.
  • Fixed: Button – Transition fixed.
  • Fixed: CTA – Button auto & full width was not supported in some cases.
  • Fixed: Dynamik theme, CSS overide issue fixed.
  • Fixed: Google Map – API Key option not visible in multisite.
  • Fixed: Info Box – Icon / Image Hover Color issue if the complete module was linked.
  • Fixed: Info Circle – The background color was not working on mobile devices.
  • Fixed: Interactive Banner 2 – Image streach issue with custom height.
  • Fixed: Row Separator – Removed unwanted line seen on some device.
  • Fixed: Separator – Updated alignment dependency on width option.
  • Fixed: Template cloud – SSL verification issue from.
  • Fixed: Testimonials – Conflict with BB core module.
  • Fixed: Testimonials – Unusual space between title and image.
September 7, 2016

Version 1.2.0



  • New: Introduced White Label feature.
  • New: Introduced Info Circle module.
  • New: Introduced Mailchimp Subscriber Form module.
  • New: Introduced live preview feature.
  • New: Introduced row separator enable / disable option.
  • New: Infobox – Introduced gradient background.




  • Improvement: Advanced Accordion – Template selector support for content area.
  • Improvement: Advanced Separator – Added responsive compatibility for a line with text style.
  • Improvement: Flip Box – Added content padding option.
  • Improvement: Advanced Tab – Template selector support for the content area.
  • Improvement: Blog Posts – Equal height option for post’s box in the grid.
  • Improvement: Blog Posts – Pagination options added.
  • Improvement: Blog Posts – Filter buttons for easy categorization.
  • Improvement: Blog Posts – Date format option added.
  • Improvement: Dual Button – Auto calculate divider circle size.
  • Improvement: Progress Bar – Background image option for progress bars.
  • Improvement: Progress Bar – Circular style for progress bars.
  • Improvement: Testimonial – Pause on mouse hover option.
  • Improvement: Progress Bar – Added gradient option.
  • Improvement: Contact Form – Added icon options for submit button.




  • Fixed: Blog Posts – Sort by date issue.
  • Fixed: Contact Form – IE placeholder alignment issue.
  • Fixed: Contact Form – Fixed email delivery issue using SMTP Plugin.
  • Fixed: Fancy Text – Responsive issue.
  • Fixed: Fancy Text – Cursor character issue.
  • Fixed: Flip Box – Empty back flip description issue.
  • Fixed: Google Map – API error message should visible to admin / logged in users only.
  • Fixed: iHover – Click not working on mobile phones.
  • Fixed: Price Box – Width issue.
  • Fixed: Row Separator – Extra gap between row & row separator.
  • Fixed: Testimonial – Adaptive height issue with fade transition.
August 1, 2016

Version 1.1.0


  • New: Introduced Price Box module.
  • New: Introduced Template Manager setting page, now user can controls the display of templates in Sections panel.




  • Improvement: Advanced Separator – Introduced responsive image size option.
  • Improvement: Blog Posts – Introduced post count checks for carousel.
  • Improvement: Blog Posts – Improved custom excerpt character logic.
  • Improvement: Contact Form – Introduced input field padding options.
  • Improvement: Creative Menu – Introduced stack option for mobile devices.
  • Improvement: Creative Link – Introduced bottom margin option to control link bottom spacing.
  • Improvement: Fancy Text – Apply fancy effects when user in viewport.
  • Improvement: Flip Box – Introduced background image option for front & back flips.
  • Improvement: Info Banner – Introduced responsive image size option for background image.
  • Improvement: Info Box – Introduced revers order stacking option for responsive devices.
  • Improvement: Google Map – Added shortcode support for latitude, longitude and info text.
  • Improvement: Row Separator – Introduced row separator responsive size option.
  • Improvement: Row Separator – Introduced individual settings for top & bottom row separators.
  • Improvement: Price Box – In Responsive legend information visible over each property.




  • Fixed: Advanced Tab – Active tab background color issue.
  • Fixed: Advanced Tab – Navigation background applying in content issue.
  • Fixed: Advanced Testimonial – Adaptive height issue.
  • Fixed: Button – Vertical text alignment issue for custom style.
  • Fixed: Blog Posts – Draft, private posts should not display at frontend.
  • Fixed: Blog Posts – Post’s column width issue.
  • Fixed: Contact Form – Submission email not delivered to recipient issue.
  • Fixed: Fancy Text – Slideup effect not works for single string.
  • Fixed: iHover – Image overlap issue of style 3.
  • Fixed: Info Banner – Browser compatibility issue.
  • Fixed: Layout CSS / JavaScript Editor – Cursor position bug.
  • Fixed: PHP 5.2 compatibility errors.
  • Fixed: Row Separator – Custom class conflict when row separator is enabled.
  • Fixed: Row Separator – Removed extra gap between row & row separator.
  • Fixed: Text alignment issue for Icon at right condition.
July 8, 2016

Version 1.0.0

  • Initial Release